Acetonitrile is a polar aprotic organic solvent.
Application Notes
Acetonitrile is used in organic synthesis as starting material for acetophenone, a-naphthaleneacetic acid, thiamine, acetamidine.To remove tars, phenols, and coloring matter from petroleum hydrocarbons which are not soluble in acetonitrile. To extract fatty acids from fish liver oils and other animal and vegetable oils. Can be used to recrystallize steroids. As an indifferent medium in physicochemical investigations. Wherever a polar solvent having a rather high dielectric constant is required. As medium for promoting reactions involving ionization. As a solvent in non-aqueous titrations. As a non-aqueous solvent for inorganic salts.
Usage Statement
Unless specified otherwise, MP Biomedical's products are for research or further manufacturing use only, not for direct human use. For more information, please contact our customer service department.
Key Applications
Used in organic synthesis | Used to recrystallize steroids | As an indifferent medium in physicochemical investigations | Solvent