Fast PCR products
When your time to results is critical, choose a high-speed polymerase for expedited results.
We offer several DNA polymerases for fast PCR:
- SapphireAmp Fast PCR Master Mix—a convenient solution for fast PCR that includes a hot-start enzyme and a blue gel-loading dye
- SpeedSTAR HS DNA Polymerase—a fast, hot-start polymerase that can be used on standard PCR machines
- TaKaRa Z-Taq DNA Polymerase—a fast polymerase for long amplicons (up to 20 kb from lambda DNA)
The high-fidelity polymerases from the PrimeSTAR product family also perform well for fast PCR. PrimeSTAR MAX DNA Polymerase offers the highest fidelity and fastest extention rate of all Takara Bio enzymes.